Last Updated on January 15, 2023 by Constitutional Militia
“Left” vs. “Right”
If WE THE PEOPLE revitalize “the Militia of the several States”, we will cut across all the dividing lines in the phony “left vs. right” political spectrum that the Political Class has created. People will of necessity be united in mutual efforts that are directed towards providing security for their own locals. And this phony political spectrum does not in any way relate to that purpose.
“Left” vs. “Right” Phony Political Spectrum
The Political Class has We the People organized in their political structure. It’s not our constitutional structure. They have this one party with two faces. If you refer to the banner located at the top of this page you will see a coin struck with Roman God “Janus”, the God of “The Head of Household”. He had a head with one face in the front and one face in the back. That is our current political structure, we have the Republicans and we have the Democrats. And they can turn the head from one side to the other depending on which way they want to move you. So today we have the “Agent of Change”, who is the Democrat and before that we had the “Agent of never ending global war”, who was the Republican, and on and on. And so they play this psychological game with us: hot-cold, good cop-bad cop. And we fools keep falling for it. What this shows is that the process of We the People exercising our Power of the Purse and Power of the Sword has become totally corrupted. “We the People’s” influence only occurs at elections, that is every 2, 4, and 6 years. But what happens between the elections? Where is the lawful “check” that confines government officials to a lawful standard of behavior between elections? What is the constitutional “check” against a stampeding legislature that purports to enact “laws” that We the People determine to be unconstitutional? Were the Framers of the Constitution so short-sighted that they made no allowance for such possibilities? Of course not. That’s where this “thing” called a “Militia Structure”—“the Militia of the several States” comes in. There are five governmental institutions recognized in the Constitution: Congress, the President, the Judiciary, the States, and the Militia. Of these five structures only one is declared “necessary to the security of a free State” (Second Amendment), the ultimate goal of the entire Constitution, the “Militia”. And yet no “well regulated Militia” of the constitutional pattern have existed in any State in the Union for over 100 years.
As constitutional institutions, “the Militia of the several States” are governmental institutions. They wield full constitutional legal authority and enjoy sovereign immunity in that they are largely outside the jurisdiction of Congress. Consider the influence that can be exercised between elections by millions of Americans who are organized in the Militia Structure, exercising their legal authority as sovereign State government institutions, empowered to provide themselves with “the security of a free State” (2nd Amendment). Obviously the election mechanism alone has not proven itself ”necessary to the security of a free State.” Quite the opposite. Its proven itself rather dangerous to “the security of a free State” because it has been corrupted by factionalism.
Revitalization of the Militia will disarm this oligopoly (a monopoly of more than one), consisting of the two major political parties (Democrat and Republican) and frustrate those tactics, because the whole purpose of the Militia is creating unity, not internal conflict. You can’t really have a Militia structure in which special-interest groups or factions function. At least not openly the way they do now. They can’t certainly make the demands in that kind of an institution that they make now. And they will not get the kind of hearing in the Militia institution that they get now. They’ll most likely receive a very hostile reception because special interests are inherently antagonistic to the basic purpose of the structure.