Constitutional Militia
National Guard: Not a Militia
National Guard: Not a Constitutional State MilitiaThe National Guard is neither “ well regulated Militia”, as the Second Amendment uses that term; nor one...
Second Amendment
Alternative Currency
Gold and Silver as Constitutional Alternative Currencies
Learn how the State Electronic Gold Currency Plan can be implemented in your State and download the Gold Money Bill here.
To learn about the...
Any State Can Walk away from the Federal Reserve System
The State Electronic Gold Currency Plan
Download the State Electronic Gold Currency Plan (Gold Money Bill) here.
The State of Montana has proposed Alternative Currency in House Bill 639. Learn more...
Militia: Repel the Invasion of Illegal Immigration
Militia: Repel the Invasion of Illegal ImmigrationOnly the Militia could supply para-military and police forces of sufficient size to take control of America’s borders...
How the States Can Suppress Illegal Immigration
No reader of this commentary needs to be reminded that the United States are reeling under a continuous mass influx across the southern borders...
No Sanctuaries in “Sanctuary Cities”
In his recent NewsWithViews commentary, “Sanctuary Cities and the PATCO Strike Analogy” (21 November 2016), Jonathan Emord recommends that
pon assuming office, President Trump should...
How the President Can Secure the Borders
With the issue of illegal immigration already coming to the fore in the contest for nomination of the 2016 Republican candidate for the Presidency,...
Why Does The United States Need Constitutional Money?
WHY DOES THE UNITED STATES NEED CONSTITUTIONAL MONEY?Six Questions on Monetary Reform National Alliance for Constitutional Money Monograph No. 5 by Edwin Vieira, Jr.
This Monograph asks...
Censorship By Internet Corporations Is Still Censorship
The present brouhaha convulsing the Internet over the “banning”, “shadow banning”, “demonetizing”, and “censoring” of various so-called “conservative” or “right-wing” personalities, web sites, and...
Three Questions About The Second Amendment
Recently, some friends of the Second Amendment posed three questions to me, the answers to which I consider of great importance—
I. Why is the...
How To End The Assault On Assault Firearms
In recent years, “gun-control” fanatics have been anything but idle. In all too many States, they have succeeded in promoting draconian legislation directed at...
Who Regulates “A well Regulated Militia”?
Anyone who pays attention to contemporary debates and discussions among this country’s “constitutionalists” and “patriots” about the meaning of the Second Amendment soon comes...
2nd Amendment: Community Self-Defense
Community Self-Defense Structure: MilitiaThe special constitutional position, status, and authority of “the Militia of the several States” their separation from the “Armies”, “Navy”, and other...
Video Play List
The Principles of the Constitutional Militia with Edwin Vieira
A Review of the 2nd Amendment Heller Case with Edwin Vieira
"What is Constitutional Money?" with Edwin Vieira -- Ron Paul Money Lecture Series, Pt 2/3
The Unconstitutionality of Judicial Supremacy with Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.