State Issued

National Guard: Not a Militia

National Guard: Not a Constitutional State MilitiaThe National Guard is neither “ well regulated Militia”, as the Second Amendment uses that term; nor one...

Alternative Currency

Ron Paul Hearing on Sound Money and the Road to Monetary...

This hearing of the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee examined: (1) parallel currencies and alternative forms of money; (2) the effects of parallel currencies on the economy...

Any State Can Walk away from the Federal Reserve System

The State Electronic Gold Currency Plan

Download the State Electronic Gold Currency Plan (Gold Money Bill) here. The State of Montana has proposed Alternative Currency in House Bill 639. Learn more...
Militia Structure

Illegal Immigration

    Immigration Illegal

    Militia: Repel the Invasion of Illegal Immigration

    Militia: Repel the Invasion of Illegal ImmigrationOnly the Militia could supply para-military and police forces of sufficient size to take control of America’s borders...
    illegal immigration

    How the States Can Suppress Illegal Immigration

    No reader of this commentary needs to be reminded that the United States are reeling under a continuous mass influx across the southern borders...
    Sanctuary Cities

    No Sanctuaries in “Sanctuary Cities”

    In his recent NewsWithViews commentary, “Sanctuary Cities and the PATCO Strike Analogy” (21 November 2016), Jonathan Emord recommends that pon assuming office, President Trump should...
    America border security

    How the President Can Secure the Borders

    With the issue of illegal immigration already coming to the fore in the contest for nomination of the 2016 Republican candidate for the Presidency,...
    “Covid 19” Government

    “Covid-19” and Three Discontinuities of Government

    As perusal of the Internet reveals, the most accurate characterization of this country’s response to the “covid-19” crisis is that America has become beset...
    School Shootings

    The President Can Suppress School Shootings

    INTRODUCTION Whatever the facts may turn out to be, the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida—and others which have preceded it throughout this country—are traumatic,...
    Constitution in Monetary Law

    The Forgotten Role of the Constitution in Monetary Law

    The author wishes to thank the National Alliance for Constitutional Money for its support and Dr. Lawrence M. Parks, Executive Director of the Foundation...
    Lexington and Concord

    Lexington Green, April 19, 2009

    What follows is an address, delivered in my absence by Tom Moor, at the Committees of Safety rally held at Lexington Green on 19...
    the Militia of the several States

    Edwin Vieira on His New Book, “The Sword and Sovereignty” and Where the US...

    Daily Bell: Thanks for sitting down with us again. Let's jump right in with a discussion of your new book, The Sword and Sovereignty. Give us...

    2nd Amendment: Community Self-Defense

    Community Self-Defense Structure: MilitiaThe special constitutional position, status, and authority of “the Militia of the several States” their separation from the “Armies”, “Navy”, and other...

    CHSA: The Key to Revitalizing the Constitutional Militia

    Citizens' Homeland Security Associations