State Issued

“Unorganized” Militia

Oxymoronic "Unorganized" MilitiaThe very idea of an “unorganized”, and therefore “unarmed” and “undisciplined”, “militia” must be one of the most perverse and dangerous subterfuges...

Alternative Currency

Constitutional vs. Confidence Game Fiscal System

1.) Silver and Gold as Money is constitutionally required for Economic "Homeland Security" Historically, silver and gold have always proven to be the best...
silver and gold as money

A Cross of Gold

Any State Can Walk away from the Federal Reserve System

The State Electronic Gold Currency Plan

Download the State Electronic Gold Currency Plan (Gold Money Bill) here. The State of Montana has proposed Alternative Currency in House Bill 639. Learn more...
Militia Structure

Illegal Immigration

    Immigration Illegal

    Militia: Repel the Invasion of Illegal Immigration

    Militia: Repel the Invasion of Illegal ImmigrationOnly the Militia could supply para-military and police forces of sufficient size to take control of America’s borders...
    illegal immigration

    How the States Can Suppress Illegal Immigration

    No reader of this commentary needs to be reminded that the United States are reeling under a continuous mass influx across the southern borders...
    Sanctuary Cities

    No Sanctuaries in “Sanctuary Cities”

    In his recent NewsWithViews commentary, “Sanctuary Cities and the PATCO Strike Analogy” (21 November 2016), Jonathan Emord recommends that pon assuming office, President Trump should...
    America border security

    How the President Can Secure the Borders

    With the issue of illegal immigration already coming to the fore in the contest for nomination of the 2016 Republican candidate for the Presidency,...
    Military Crackdown

    Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Failure of the Public Sector, the Coming Military...

    The following interview first appeared in The Daily Bell January 10, 2010. Daily Bell: Thanks for sitting down with us. Let's get right to it. In...
    Money and Banking Crisis

    The Shearing is Nearing

    One reason why patriotic Americans are accomplishing precious little in reasserting control over their country, while the Establishment steadily advances its agenda on almost...
    Banking Crisis

    Don’t Count on Washington to Protect Us from a Looming Banking Crisis

    Time runs out for every one and every thing. The sand in the hourglass is draining particularly quickly, though, for America's present monetary and...
    gun control

    Short-Circuiting the Second Circuit

    Well, boys and girls, it is, as the wag once said, “déjà vue all over again” in the topsy-turvy Alice-in-Wonderland world of “gun control”....
    Lexington and Concord and District of Columbia v. Heller

    19 April 1775 vs. The D.C. Gun Case

    From what I have heard, the oral argument in the Supreme Court on the District of Columbia gun case suggested that a majority of...

    2nd Amendment: Community Self-Defense

    Community Self-Defense Structure: MilitiaThe special constitutional position, status, and authority of “the Militia of the several States” their separation from the “Armies”, “Navy”, and other...

    CHSA: The Key to Revitalizing the Constitutional Militia

    Citizens' Homeland Security Associations