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Home Money and Banking Fractional-Reserve Banking

Fractional-Reserve Banking

The bank issues more units of fiduciary money than it has units of commodity money available for redemption, counting on the unlikelihood that the majority of its customers will ever seek redemption at one time. See Return to Constitutional Money

Federal Reserve System

Federal Reserve System: Cartel Structure

The Federal Reserve SystemThe Federal Reserve System is a cartel that controls the United States money supply and redistributes wealth with the blessings of...
Legal Tender Law

“Legal Tender Law”: Opting Out

"Legal Tender Law": Opting OutIt is the general consensus among economists that the "Legal Tender Law" (Title 12 of The United States Code, Section...
Federal Reserve Act

The Federal Reserve Act, Section 30

The Federal Reserve Act, Section 30“The right to amend, alter, or repeal this act is hereby expressly reserved”. The Federal Reserve Act, Section 30 The Federal...

Inflation: Congress’s Constitutional Powers and Disabilities

Inflation: Congress's Constitutional Powers and DisabilitiesMore important than the constitutional power of Congress to end inflation is its constitutional duty to do so—or, put...
redeemable currency

“Right of Redemption” of Paper “Money”

“Right of Redemption” of Paper "Money"The devolution of Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) from a paper currency redeemable in gold to one redeemable only in slugs...
Constitutional vs Confidence Game fiscal system

Constitutional vs. Confidence Game Fiscal System

1.) Silver and Gold as Money is constitutionally required for Economic "Homeland Security" Historically, silver and gold have always proven to be the best...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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Federal Reserve System

Federal Reserve System: Cartel Structure

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