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CHSA: Implementing the Transition from Private Associations to Militia

CHSAs are prepared to actively promote the passage of the Militia bill and use the organization they have created as a voting block to remove any legislator who does not get behind the bill.

Last Updated on February 9, 2023 by Constitutional Militia

CHSA: Implementing the transition from Private Associations into State Government Institutions—“well regulated Militia”, part of “the Militia of the several States”.

Assuming for argument’s sake that enough time is available before the collapse of the Federal Reserve and a Militia Statute is enacted in some State. Now what? There is implementation, that is always the biggest hurdle— implementation. What WE THE PEOPLE will need to do in the “Citizens’ Homeland Security Associations” is to find people not only who support this program, but who will be willing to volunteer under the Militia statute to form the first actual Militia units. Because, if you recall, that statute initially will offer exemptions to essentially everybody who wants them. Everybody can opt-out if he pays his exemption fee, except for the trauma surgeon, for example, because there some people who have to be active in the militia structure. We do not want everyone to opt-out because this thing has to be shown to work somewhere, it cannot just be “on the books” and totally inoperative. So how do you do that?  The militia structure must have a certain number of activists. Below is an example of how one of these statutes would be drafted. This example is on the basis of the example we documented coming out of pre-constitutional Rhode Island, the Independent Company.

Using the state of Virginia as an example model for the enactment of a Militia statute. Virginia is run on a county basis. And the counties are semi-autonomous—they have their own Boards of Supervisors, and controlled out of Richmond. But to a large extent each individual county controls their own local affairs. So we the people make each county the center of a Militia unit. If I am in Warren County, there will be a Warren County Militia. And the County Board of Supervisors is required to appoint some of its members and the chief law enforcement officer in the county. And perhaps a couple other officials that fit the bill to form a “Committee of Safety.” And the purpose of this “Committee of Safety” is to organize the County Militia according to the statutory structure. And so the Committee of Safety performs a survey :

• How many able-bodied people do we have in our county?

• How are they broken down? (eg., by precinct)

Next, have those people fill out a form:

1.) What skills do you have?

2.) What is your education?

3.) How much time are you willing to give to this?

When you approach a legislator and say, “I have this bill”, maybe he’s a knowledgeable legislator or maybe he’s a legislator who’s never heard of revitalization of “the Militia of the several States”. You inform the legislator that,“We’ve organized a group of people in the State and we have 3,000 people organized in the Citizens’ Homeland Security Association in Warren County (still using Virginia as the example). And we’re spread all over your legislative district.” Faced with those kinds of numbers the legislator replies, “OK, I’m with this. I like this program and I see that there’s a large constituency for it and it makes sense to me.” And we the people say, “It makes more than sense—we’ll give you this petition—we have these 600 people who will immediately volunteer for these programs when this statute is passed, so it’s not ‘pie in the sky,’ we will begin to do this immediately.” And the legislator will likely know many of these people. If he has been involved in any Citizens’ Homeland Security Association meetings, he will have met them and this will have been discussed.

So you’re handing this legislator a statute, which if he has any sense at all he will realize is of great consequence to the stability not only of his county, but also of his State. His political future may one way or the other depend upon it. You’ve organized a large group of people that will make life uncomfortable or happy for him politically if he does or doesn’t support it. And you’ve essentially guaranteed that if the statute passes it will be implemented. So he can actually come back to his co-workers in the legislature and sponsor this, confident that it’s not simply a “pie in the sky” idea from some “idealist”. From a political point of view, that’s a perfectly plausible formula for success.

If the people do not succeed in passing a Militia statute initially, they have created the nucleus for organizing the community anyway. They are prepared to actively promote the passage of the Militia bill again, and use the organization they have created through their Citizens’ Homeland Security Associations as a voting block to remove any legislator who does not get behind the Militia bill. In the mean time, should this country fall back to something that looks like the Declaration of Independence situation, where all bets are off because the whole economy has crashed. Instead of a bunch of chickens without heads running around waiting for “FEMA” to show up, you may not be entirely organized to tell them, “We don’t need you”, but you’ll be on the way to that. And you’ve created a leadership group in the community that didn’t exist before and what tends to happen in crisis situations? People who don’t have the answers look around for someone who seems to have the answers. So you can imagine major changes, at least at the local level simply because this type of organizational structure has been built up.

Constitutional Militia
Constitutional Militia
Constitutional Militia are State government institutions, thoroughly civilian in character. It is by the efforts of "the Militia of the several States", that the "security of a free State" can be preserved throughout the Union.
Militia Structure

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