Con Permiso, Mi Presidente

In a word, what Mexico lacks is constitutionalism.

America's southern border
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Last Updated on October 3, 2021 by Constitutional Militia

Now I have heard everything. Well, almost everything. Well, at least enough to compel me to write this Commentary.

Apparently some Congressmen, finally realizing that being a nation depends upon acting like one, have proposed building a wall along America’s southern border, to staunch the influx of illegal-immigrant invaders from Mexico. Immediately came forth Mexico’s Presidente Vicente Fox, declaring that he would not “permit” such a project to go forward. As if it were not enough that El Presidente has favorably associated himself with the ever-mounting inundation of the United States by his own countrymen, Fox now arrogantly assumes the prerogative to dictate to Americans what foreign policy this country may adopt, what laws she may enact, and even whether she may maintain “among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle” her. Ay, Chihuahua!

Whether an impenetrable wall along America’s southern border is technologically and economically feasible is a matter for rational minds to ponder. Beyond debate, however, is that its construction will not solve the underlying problem. Millions of Mexicans are fleeing Mexico in order to find freedom, opportunity, and prosperity for themselves and their families in the United States. Self-evidently, this is because they believe that they can find neither freedom, nor opportunity, nor prosperity at home. But why? Is Mexico devoid of hard-working, intelligent people? Has she no wealth of natural resources? Is her climate too harsh for agriculture and animal husbandry? Of course not. What Mexico lacks is a government committed to freedom, opportunity, and prosperity for common Mexicans. What Mexico lacks is a government that her common people can control. What Mexico lacks is political honesty, responsibility, and accountability. In a word, what Mexico lacks is constitutionalism.

For generations, since the days of the infamous Joel Poinsett, and punctuated only by the imperial reign of Don Porfirio Diaz and the short-lived presidency of the idealist Don Francisco Madero, Mexico has been ruled—and, in the process, raped and ruined—by one Masonic gangster regime after another. These political banditos and acaparadores have systematically squandered Mexico’s patrimony, pillaged her resources, oppressed and looted her people, persecuted the Church, and turned what could be a fabulously rich society into an economic basket-case—all the while, shamelessly lining their own pockets. Is it any wonder, then, that millions of Mexicans are desperate to escape from existences of political, economic, and moral squalor? To be sure, their plight does not excuse their breaking our laws in order to better their own lives. But it should explain why merely building a wall, or patrolling the borders with tens of thousands of Militiamen—although good ideas in the short term—will not suffice in the long run.

Presidente Vicente Fox’s tantrum emphasizes that America’s strategic priorities are in disarray. The supposed threat to America’s homeland security from Iraq was always at best conjectural (if not purely fictional). The threat from Mexico is real and immediate. Yet Iraq was invaded, while Mexico has been rewarded with big-bank bailouts, “free trade” deals, and other lucrative favors to fatten the fortunes of her corrupt and criminal oligarchy (and of their conniving compadres here in Los Estados Unidos). Saddam Hussein never even threatened to lead an invasion of the United States, and surely lacked any ability to do so had he wanted to.

Nonetheless, he is now imprisoned and on trial for his life. But for years Vicente Fox and his minions have been vociferously encouraging, if not actually aiding and abetting, an assault on America of a scale not seen since the barbarian incursions into the Roman Empire. And now Fox flaunts the insufferable hubris to tell Americans that they cannot protect themselves, and maintain their national integrity, identity, and independence, without his “permission”! (Which, one may be certain, he intends never to grant.)

If President Bush wants to play the role of an heroic crusader bringing “democracy” to oppressed peoples, he should focus his attention on liberating America’s neighbor Mexico, instead of mucking about half way around the world in the snake pit of the Middle East. Nothing he does in Iraq, or any other country in that part of the globe, will bring him—and especially Americans in general—anything but enduring enmity from Muslims everywhere. But striking from Mexicans’ limbs the heavy shackles their own corrupt political bosses have fastened upon them would entitle him to the endless thanks and prayers of a people who have suffered too long in peonage.

And the liberation of Mexico would largely solve the problem of illegal immigration into the United States. Because, once their land were free and prosperous, Mexicans—as any people who love their own country, culture, and traditions—would stay home. Then it would be common Mexicans who extended permission, or not, to their suitably humbled public officials. Not puffed-up Mexican politicos who dared to dictate to Mexicans—and to Americans, as well—how they should live in their own countries.

©2006 Edwin Vieira, Jr. – All Rights Reserved.