State Issued

Money and Banking

To learn about the “Money” power of the States: An Introductory Primer on the Constitutional Authority of the States to Adopt an Alternative Currency here.

Inflation: Congress’s Constitutional Powers and Disabilities

Inflation: Congress's Constitutional Powers and DisabilitiesMore important than the constitutional power of Congress to end inflation is its constitutional duty to do so—or, put...
Federal Reserve Act

The Federal Reserve Act, Section 30

The Federal Reserve Act, Section 30“The right to amend, alter, or repeal this act is hereby expressly reserved”. The Federal Reserve Act, Section 30 The Federal...
redeemable currency

“Right of Redemption” of Paper “Money”

“Right of Redemption” of Paper "Money"The devolution of Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) from a paper currency redeemable in gold to one redeemable only in slugs...
Mint Act of 1792

Coinage Act of 1792

Coinage Act of 1792In this Act, Congress followed common-law tradition by continuing the use of silver, gold, and copper as “Money”. It reiterated the judgment...
Mint Report 1791

Report on the Subject of a Mint 1791

Alexander Hamilton's Mint Report (1791)In his Report, Hamilton urged Congress to adopt silver and gold as the nation’s monetary substances, at an exchange ratio...
Alternative Currencies

Gold and Silver as Constitutional Alternative Currencies

Learn how the State Electronic Gold Currency Plan can be implemented in your State and download the Gold Money Bill here. To learn about the...
Ron Paul Hearing on Sound Money

Ron Paul Hearing on Sound Money and the Road to Monetary Freedom— August 2,...

This hearing of the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee examined: (1) parallel currencies and alternative forms of money; (2) the effects of parallel currencies on the economy...
Constitutional Authority of the States to Adopt an Alternative Currrency

An Introductory Primer on the Constitutional Authority of the States to Adopt an Alternative...

After reading this Introductory Primer, learn how the State Electronic Gold Currency Plan can be implemented in your State and download the Gold Money...
silver and gold as money

A Cross of Gold

A Cross of Goldby Edwin Vieira, Jr.      The present domestic and international monetary and banking systems have slipped into the initial stages of...
Gold Clause Contracts


A Caveat to Readers “Gold Clauses” and “Silver Clauses” in Financial Transactions: A Practical Study Concerning Their Origin and Use is designed to provide information,...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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