State Issued
Home Money and Banking Alternative Currency

Alternative Currency

Any State can walk away from the Federal Reserve System by implementing an constitutional alternative currency—silver and gold.

Constitutional Authority of the States to Adopt an Alternative Currrency

An Introductory Primer on the Constitutional Authority of the States to Adopt an Alternative...

After reading this Introductory Primer, learn how the State Electronic Gold Currency Plan can be implemented in your State and download the Gold Money...
Alternative Currency

The State Electronic Gold Currency Plan

Download the State Electronic Gold Currency Plan (Gold Money Bill) here. The State of Montana has proposed Alternative Currency in House Bill 639. Learn more...
Montana sound monetary system

State of Montana Alternative Currency House Bill 639

Download Montana House Bill 639 here. Download the State Electronic Gold Currency Plan (Gold Money Bill) here. To learn about the "Money" power of the States:...
Ron Paul Hearing on Sound Money

Ron Paul Hearing on Sound Money and the Road to Monetary Freedom— August 2,...

This hearing of the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee examined: (1) parallel currencies and alternative forms of money; (2) the effects of parallel currencies on the economy...
Alternative Currencies

Gold and Silver as Constitutional Alternative Currencies

Learn how the State Electronic Gold Currency Plan can be implemented in your State and download the Gold Money Bill here. To learn about the...
Gold Clause Contracts


A Caveat to Readers “Gold Clauses” and “Silver Clauses” in Financial Transactions: A Practical Study Concerning Their Origin and Use is designed to provide information,...
silver and gold as money

A Cross of Gold

A Cross of Goldby Edwin Vieira, Jr.      The present domestic and international monetary and banking systems have slipped into the initial stages of...
Constitutional vs Confidence Game fiscal system

Constitutional vs. Confidence Game Fiscal System

1.) Silver and Gold as Money is constitutionally required for Economic "Homeland Security" Historically, silver and gold have always proven to be the best...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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