Militia: Unconstitutionally Disestablished
Militia: Unconstitutionally Disestablished and Fused with the Regular Armed Forces
Militia had been in existence for generations throughout America, settled and regulated pursuant to Colonial and then State statutes. And there...
“Unorganized” Militia
Oxymoronic "Unorganized" MilitiaThe very idea of an “unorganized”, and therefore “unarmed” and “undisciplined”, “militia” must be one of the most perverse and dangerous subterfuges...
National Guard: Not a Militia
National Guard: Not a Constitutional State MilitiaThe National Guard is neither “ well regulated Militia”, as the Second Amendment uses that term; nor one...
2nd Amendment: “Individual Right Only” Theory is Wrong
2nd Amendment: "Individual Right Only" Theory is WrongThe real constitutional argument against contemporary "gun control" lies in the first thirteen words of the Second...