Misconstrued Role of Congress
Misconstrued Role of Congress: Acts of Congress Not Necessarily Binding
THE PEOPLE are not necessarily legally bound by every act that individuals who may happen...
Federalist Papers
Federalist Papers: Inconclusive as to the meaning of any constitutional provision.
Considering the tumultuous circumstances in which they found themselves, even the most prominent figures...
Delegated Powers are Limited Powers of Government
Delegated powers are, in the nature of things, limited powers. For instance, a grant of “all legislative power” or “all judicial power” is limited...
William Blackstone
William Blackstone“At the time of the adoption of the Federal Constitution had been published about twenty years, and * * * more copies...
“General Government” vs. “Federal Government”
Understanding “General Government” vs. “Federal Government”
As used on this website, the term “General Government” refers solely to the new government the Constitution created, consisting...
“Original Intent”
"Original Intent"“Original intent” is the fundamental rule of construction of the Constitution. In the parlance of modern constitutional exegesis, Blackstone's phrase “intentions at the time...
United States Constitution and the Federal System
"Federal Government"As the Constitution makes pellucid, “the Federal Government” actually consists of five parts:1.) Congress—Under Article I, § 1 (“ll legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested...
The General Welfare
The General Welfare with Constitutional Attorney Edwin Vieira Part 1 of 2 (above)
The National Heritage Center Presents "The General Welfare" by Constitutional Attorney Edwin...
The Constitutional Chaos of Industrial Policy
Cato Journal, Vol.4, No. 2 (Fall 1984)
As its contemporary advocates employ the term, “industrial policy” imports a peculiar form of governmental intervention...
Rights and the United States Constitution: The Declension from Natural law to Legal Positivism
Georgia Law Review Vol. 13:1447
Other participants in this Symposium have dealt with the issue: of defining rights, describing their source, and delimiting...