State Issued
Alternative Currencies

Gold and Silver as Constitutional Alternative Currencies

Learn how the State Electronic Gold Currency Plan can be implemented in your State and download the Gold Money Bill here. To learn about the...
Constitution in Monetary Law

The Forgotten Role of the Constitution in Monetary Law

The author wishes to thank the National Alliance for Constitutional Money for its support and Dr. Lawrence M. Parks, Executive Director of the Foundation...

The Constitutional Chaos of Industrial Policy

Cato Journal, Vol.4, No. 2 (Fall 1984) Introduction      As its contemporary advocates employ the term, “industrial policy” imports a peculiar form of governmental intervention...
Natural law

Rights and the United States Constitution: The Declension from Natural law to Legal Positivism

Georgia Law Review Vol. 13:1447      Other participants in this Symposium have dealt with the issue: of defining rights, describing their source, and delimiting...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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Federal Reserve System: Cartel Structure

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unconstitutional powers

“Emergency Powers”

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Gun Contrlol

“Gun Control”

"Gun Control"In the pre-constitutional period, had the term been current, “gun control” would have meant, not keeping firearms and ammunition away from as many...

“The War on Terror”

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