State Issued
police state

Change in the Nick of Time

A militarized police state is coming to this country—into your own neighborhood, and with you and your family as its targets —unless you start,...
Barack Obama birth certificate

In the Shadow of Nemesis

As this commentary is being written, the latest runaround in the judicial flim-flam of “who lacks ‘standing’ to demand production of Barack Obama’s original...
homeland security

Fending Off the Egyptian Power Structure

Americans are confronted by an exceedingly serious problem today. No—not the chaos now convulsing the financial markets. That is simply one, albeit an exceedingly...
natural born citizen

Obama Must Stand Up Now or Step Down

America is facing potentially the gravest constitutional crisis in her history. Barack Obama must either stand up in a public forum and prove, with...
Naomi Wolf

Who Doesn’t Have a Plan?

Usually, I do not wield some other Internet columnist’s article as a foil for one of my own pointed commentaries. But Naomi Wolf’s recent...
economic collapse

The Bill for America’s Sloth is Coming Due

As this column comes from the word processor, Congress is considering the massive bailout proposed by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson a few days ago....
civilian national security force

Awaiting Obama’s Call

At this point in the course of human events, why would any astute—for that matter, any rational—politician in the Democratic or Republican Parties want...
constitutionalist movement

McCain, Hillary and Obama, Birds of a Feather

Its recent losses of special Congressional elections in formerly safe districts indicate that the Republican Party may be in the process of self-destruction. Deservedly...
Lexington and Concord and District of Columbia v. Heller

19 April 1775 vs. The D.C. Gun Case

From what I have heard, the oral argument in the Supreme Court on the District of Columbia gun case suggested that a majority of...
District of Columbia v. Heller

Is the D.C. Gun Case Off Target?

If the present stir among lawyers in the greater Washington, D.C., area is any indication, the forthcoming decision in the Heller case, challenging the...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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