“Alarm List”
"Alarms" During “alarms”, Rhode Island required all able-bodied free men from sixteen to sixty years of age to muster in defense of their Towns...
Militia: Immune From Contemporary “Gun Control”
Constitutional Militia: Immune From All Contemporary Forms of “Gun Control”
Unlike some other powers and disabilities of Congress and the States, their powers and disabilities...
Militia to Supervise Honest Elections
Constitutional Militia to Supervise Honest Elections
For the Militia “to execute the Laws”, there must be “Laws” that sometimes may require the Militia’s “execut”—and therefore...
Militia: Repel the Invasion of Illegal Immigration
Militia: Repel the Invasion of Illegal ImmigrationOnly the Militia could supply para-military and police forces of sufficient size to take control of America’s borders...
Militia Officer Selection
Militia Officer Selection Evidencing the fundamentally democratic character of an institution in which every able-bodied adult free male participated, common people, too, often enjoyed...