State Issued
Constitutional Money

Why Does The United States Need Constitutional Money?

WHY DOES THE UNITED STATES NEED CONSTITUTIONAL MONEY?Six Questions on Monetary Reform National Alliance for Constitutional Money Monograph No. 5  by Edwin Vieira, Jr. Foreword This Monograph asks...
Reform of the Monetary and Banking Systems of the United States

The Constitutional Imperative in Reform of the Monetary and Banking Systems of the United...

Foreword Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., presented the original version of The Constitutional Imperative in Reform of the Monetary and Banking Systems of the United States...
Constitutional Money

Return to Constitutional Money

Dr. Edwin J. Vieira, Jr., DirectorNational Alliance for Constitutional Money RETURN TO CONSTITUTIONAL MONEY Thank you, John. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I am an attorney. And...

The Constitutional Chaos of Industrial Policy

Cato Journal, Vol.4, No. 2 (Fall 1984) Introduction      As its contemporary advocates employ the term, “industrial policy” imports a peculiar form of governmental intervention...
sound money

Constitutional Authority of the States and the President to Intervene on Behalf of Sound...

Constitutional Authority of the States and the President to Intervene on Behalf of Sound MoneyCommittee for Monetary Research and Education Monograph No. 39 (December...
Natural law

Rights and the United States Constitution: The Declension from Natural law to Legal Positivism

Georgia Law Review Vol. 13:1447      Other participants in this Symposium have dealt with the issue: of defining rights, describing their source, and delimiting...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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“Judicial Supremacy” Through “Judicial Review”

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“Emergency Powers”

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“Factions” or “Special Interest” Groups

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Federal Reserve System

Federal Reserve System: Cartel Structure

The Federal Reserve SystemThe Federal Reserve System is a cartel that controls the United States money supply and redistributes wealth with the blessings of...