State Issued
Right To Keep And Bear Arms

What “Right To Keep And Bear Arms” Is That?

A short while ago, a friend of mine who is an ardent advocate in “social media” of the entire Second Amendment—including its first thirteen words, “...
Second Amendment

Three Questions About The Second Amendment

Recently, some friends of the Second Amendment posed three questions to me, the answers to which I consider of great importance— I. Why is the...

Censorship By Internet Corporations Is Still Censorship

The present brouhaha convulsing the Internet over the “banning”, “shadow banning”, “demonetizing”, and “censoring” of various so-called “conservative” or “right-wing” personalities, web sites, and...
Assault Weapon

How To End The Assault On Assault Firearms

In recent years, “gun-control” fanatics have been anything but idle. In all too many States, they have succeeded in promoting draconian legislation directed at...
national security

Who Is In Charge Here?

The on-going circus of the “Russian collusion” investigation is often described by its detractors as a modern-day “witch hunt” in comparison with which the...
Second Amendment

How To Bank On The Second Amendment

It seems that, almost every day, new evidence emerges to validate as prescient the warnings I put forth most recently in my NewsWithViews commentaries...
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms

Another Oracular Pronouncement

It is said that “no man is taken for a prophet in his own country”. Yet sometimes evidence overcomes this negative presumption. In my...
Second Amendment

The Irrelevant Second Amendment

To the question “What provision of the Constitution guarantees average Americans the right to posses a firearm?” almost everyone, whether in favor of or...
School Shootings

The President Can Suppress School Shootings

INTRODUCTION Whatever the facts may turn out to be, the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida—and others which have preceded it throughout this country—are traumatic,...
mandatory draft

The Disservice Of Mandatory “National Service”

Normally, I refrain from commenting on articles by other contributors to NewsWithViews. But Frosty Wooldridge’s recent column—“Call for Mandatory National Service for All American...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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“Gun Control”

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