State Issued
Gold Seizure

A New Gold Seizure: Possibility or Paranoia?

Anyone who studies America's present monetary and banking systems is aware of their inherent instability. They are crises waiting—and in the long run certain—to...
Commander in Chief

The Constitution Limits the President Even as “Commander in Chief”

Amidst the flood of propaganda these days on behalf of what must be the most breathtaking expansion of Presidential power since Franklin Roosevelt's New...
America's southern border

Con Permiso, Mi Presidente

Now I have heard everything. Well, almost everything. Well, at least enough to compel me to write this Commentary. Apparently some Congressmen, finally realizing that...
Judicial Nominees

A Constitutional “Litmus Test” for Judicial Nominees

With all the ballyhoo in Washington and the big media over nominations to the Supreme Court, it dawned on me that, if I were...
Homeland Security

The False Alternatives Behind “Homeland Security”

In the debate on continuation of the so-called "Patriot Act" and other legislation of its ilk, Americans have been saturated with the contention of...
Islamic Fundamentalism

Money Issue May be the Establishment’s Achilles’ Heel in its War on “Islamic Fundamentalism”

No careful student of history can fail to be impressed by the interconnectedness of ideas and events in every civilization's rise and fall—especially that...
Monetary Reform

Revitalizing the Militia Can Promote Monetary Reform

Political theory identifies the two greatest powers of government as The Power of the Purse and The Power of the Sword. Therefore, if any...
Slavery and gun control

The Constitutional Militia, Slavery, and Contemporary “Gun Control”

Studying the Colonial and State Militia Acts of the 1600s and 1700s reveals a stark divergence between the principles of the constitutional "Militia of...
Monetary Reform

Education is the Key to Monetary Reform

Few matters in contemporary politics are as striking as the disproportion between the silliness of the arguments in favor of doing nothing to reform...
Homeland Security

Are You Doing Your Constitutional Duty for “Homeland Security”?

What is the fundamental constitutional institution for "homeland security"? On the answer to this question may depend the continued independence and freedom of the...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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“Emergency Powers”

"Emergency Powers"The real "emergency" that confronts Americans is the lust of aspiring and conspiring usurpers and tyrants for power WE THE PEOPLE have withheld...
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“Living” Constitution

As a constitutional rule of construction that cannot be repeated to often, “If *** we are at liberty to give old words new meanings ***...
special interest groups

“Factions” or “Special Interest” Groups

"Factions" or "Special Interest" GroupsAmerica’s Founding Fathers denounced “factions” (what we refer to today as “special interests”) because these groups consist of “a number of citizens,...

“War”: The Constitutional Meaning

"War": The Constitutional MeaningConstitutionally speaking, "War" is a specific set of legal relations between two or more independent nations. Therefore no "War" can be...
Judicial Supremacy

“Judicial Supremacy” Through “Judicial Review”

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