State Issued

Zorro or Zero?

Since I began promoting revitalization of “the Militia of the several States,” I have become the recipient of all sorts of captious criticism. Although...
gun control

One Gun Too Few

What the Washington Times of Tuesday, 17 April, aptly headlined as the “Massacre at Virginia Tech” is a tragedy that should—that must—teach this country...
Money and Banking Crisis

The Shearing is Nearing

One reason why patriotic Americans are accomplishing precious little in reasserting control over their country, while the Establishment steadily advances its agenda on almost...

Porque El Amero, Amigos

The jungle drummers are already beating out the message: The “Amero”—the new currency for the North American Union—is coming...and Americans should accept it with...
North American Union

Will the North American Union be American Patriot’s Last Stand?

No one who peruses even the Establishment's pet media, let alone alternative sources of information, can remain unaware of the political maneuvers now on-going...
Checks and Balances

The Time to Assert Checks and Balances is Now

From every sector of America's political spectrum that contains people still capable of thinking rationally arise denunciations of the recently enacted Military Commissions Act....
Emergency Powers

Don’t Fall for the Bunkum of “Emergency Powers”

No observer of contemporary socio-political psychopathology can be anything but amazed at the numerous voices of doom who announce in breathless tones or hysterical...
Plains Indians

Hoka Hey!

An old adage warns us that "those who refuse to learn from history are condemned to repeat it." This is not because of some...
the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

“The Militia of the several States” Guarantee the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

One cannot hold to a fanciful, romantic, or even partially erroneous interpretation of the Constitution and nevertheless expect to be able to use the...

Is the Constitution Dead?

All too often when I propose returning America's monetary and banking systems to constitutional principles, or revitalizing "the Militia of the several States", I...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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“Left” vs. “Right” Phony Political Spectrum

"Left" vs. "Right"If WE THE PEOPLE revitalize "the Militia of the several States", we will cut across all the dividing lines in the phony...
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