State Issued
Informed Consent

The Absolute Right of Informed Consent

At the center of public attention throughout the United States today are various “mandates” from public officials and even private parties aimed at forcing...
illegal immigration

How the States Can Suppress Illegal Immigration

No reader of this commentary needs to be reminded that the United States are reeling under a continuous mass influx across the southern borders...
Covid 19

Why Are Not Some People Quaking in Their Boots?

One wonders whether a hearing before some Congressional committee is the appropriate venue for determining what relationship (if any) certain officials and agencies of...
Presidential Authority

The President’s Authority To Suppress Insurrections

Recently, both the big “mainstream” media and hundreds of alternative sources on the Internet have overflowed with the opinions of commentators, pundits, bloggers, public...
mandatory vaccines

When Will “Enough Is Enough” Become “This Is Too Much”?

The “covid-19” panic has emphasized in an unique manner the necessity for Americans to ask themselves the perennially relevant question: “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”—“Who...
Essential Worker

Is The President An “Essential” Worker?

During the course of the “covid-19” panic, masses of hot air, typescript, and electrons have been expended on what workers are, or are not,...
“Covid 19” Government

“Covid-19” and Three Discontinuities of Government

As perusal of the Internet reveals, the most accurate characterization of this country’s response to the “covid-19” crisis is that America has become beset...
Political Offense

The Offensiveness of Taking Political Offense

Not long ago, in the course of an acrimonious debate over one radical “gun-control” bill under consideration in the 2020 session of the General...
Gun Control

“Gun Control” Is A “Badge And Incident Of Slavery”

As most politically observant readers of this commentary are all too well aware, in the elections of 2019 the Democratic Party gained an ascendancy...
September 11

The 9-11 Event, The President, And The Militia

One need not have earned an advanced degree in the natural sciences, in engineering, in law, or in any of the disciplines related to...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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