"The War on Terror" Rogue officials stir up the "fear" of "terrorism". With "terrorism" as their excuse they arrogate new "war powers" to themselves....
"Factions" or "Special Interest" GroupsAmerica’s Founding Fathers denounced “factions” (what we refer to today as “special interests”) because these groups consist of “a number of citizens,...
"Gun Control"In the pre-constitutional period, had the term been current, “gun control” would have meant, not keeping firearms and ammunition away from as many...
The Federal Reserve SystemThe Federal Reserve System is a cartel that controls the United States money supply and redistributes wealth with the blessings of...
"Emergency Powers"The real "emergency" that confronts Americans is the lust of aspiring and conspiring usurpers and tyrants for power WE THE PEOPLE have withheld...
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