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Homeland Security

The very first definition of “terrorism” is “a mode of government by terror or intimidation”. The whole operation of “the war on terror” is itself a campaign of “terror”.

Gun Control

Militia: Immune From Contemporary “Gun Control”

Constitutional Militia: Immune From All Contemporary Forms of “Gun Control” Unlike some other powers and disabilities of Congress and the States, their powers and disabilities...
Election Fraud

Militia to Supervise Honest Elections

Constitutional Militia to Supervise Honest Elections For the Militia “to execute the Laws”, there must be “Laws” that sometimes may require the Militia’s “execut”—and therefore...
Role of the Constitutional Militia

Constitutional Role of the Militia

Constitutional Role of the MilitiaThe Militia are the only constitutional structures that are given explicitly the authority to "execute the laws". That power is...
Immigration Illegal

Militia: Repel the Invasion of Illegal Immigration

Militia: Repel the Invasion of Illegal ImmigrationOnly the Militia could supply para-military and police forces of sufficient size to take control of America’s borders...
Constitutional MIlitia

“the Militia of the several States”

“the Militia of the several States”GOVERNMENTAL INSTITUTIONS THAT EXERCISE GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY—THOROUGHLY CIVILIAN “The Militia of the several States”: Governmental Institutions, Thoroughly Civilian “The Militia of the...
United States Fascism

The U.S. Monetary System and Descent Into Fascism

The following interview with Dr. Vieira was conducted in early June of 2011 for the subscribers of The Casey Report – but after careful...
Police State

Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Power Elite, the Police State and Opposing the...

The following interview first appeared in The Daily Bell July 24, 2011. Daily Bell: Thanks for sitting down with us again. We've interviewed you before and...
Military Crackdown

Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Failure of the Public Sector, the Coming Military...

The following interview first appeared in The Daily Bell January 10, 2010. Daily Bell: Thanks for sitting down with us. Let's get right to it. In...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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“Gun Control”

"Gun Control"In the pre-constitutional period, had the term been current, “gun control” would have meant, not keeping firearms and ammunition away from as many...
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“Factions” or “Special Interest” Groups

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“The War on Terror”

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“Emergency Powers”

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