State Issued
United States Fascism

The U.S. Monetary System and Descent Into Fascism

The following interview with Dr. Vieira was conducted in early June of 2011 for the subscribers of The Casey Report – but after careful...
Police State

Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Power Elite, the Police State and Opposing the...

The following interview first appeared in The Daily Bell July 24, 2011. Daily Bell: Thanks for sitting down with us again. We've interviewed you before and...
Military Crackdown

Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Failure of the Public Sector, the Coming Military...

The following interview first appeared in The Daily Bell January 10, 2010. Daily Bell: Thanks for sitting down with us. Let's get right to it. In...
Constitutional definition of “natural born Citizen”

“Natural Born Citizen”

The Post & Email Speaks with Constitutional Attorney and Scholar Dr. Edwin Vieira on the Term “natural born Citizen" On Friday, The Post & Email...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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Federal Reserve System: Cartel Structure

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