State Issued

Gossamer Wings

In his latest series on “Secession or Declaration of Independence”, particularly Parts 4 and 5, Mr. Timothy Baldwin raises some interesting points. Unfortunately, he misconstrues...
Southern Poverty Law Center

The Poverty of Political Discourse

The more I scan the Internet these days, the more disappointed I become, because of the ever-increasing superficiality, triviality, and truly aggressive contempt for...
National Health Care

The Founder’s View on National Health Care

Confronted with the strident debate on national health-care legislation, one must be amazed at how often the opponents of the monstrosity being cobbled together...
Secession and states' rights

Thoughts on a Concurring Opinion

Responding to Timothy Baldwin’s “A CONCURRING OPINION FOR SECESSION (Part 1 of 12)” I welcome the opportunity to have an ethereal discussion with Timothy Baldwin—it...

A Dissenting Opinion on “Secession”

The Internet is awash with articles in the patriotic ether that promote “secession” of one or more States from the United States as advisable,...
popular sovereignty

A Failing Grade

Everyone is familiar with the report cards students in elementary and secondary schools receive to record their academic performances. If these are important indicia...
Restore the Constitution

If Not Now, When?

"Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this son of York!” says the cunning Richard, Duke of Gloucester, of his...
revitalization of the Militia

Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later

As most patriotic activists will attest, trying to save one’s country from sinking under the dead weight of its own increasingly hapless citizenry is...
Federal Reserve bail-outs

Fools Rush In…

Now is the time for “the good People of these Colonies” (as the Declaration of Independence styled patriots in those days) to embrace prudence...
Debt Bubble

A “Missouri Plan” to Contract the Debt Bubble

As complicated and confusing as are America’s present financial woes, her fundamental problem is simply stated: This country is staggering towards economic perdition under...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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