NRA, Second Amendment and “WE THE PEOPLE”
As a member of the National Rifle Association, I regularly receive its magazine, The American Rifleman. In the December 2015 issue appears an editorial...
Short-Circuiting the Second Circuit
Well, boys and girls, it is, as the wag once said, “déjà vue all over again” in the topsy-turvy Alice-in-Wonderland world of “gun control”....
How the President Can Secure the Borders
With the issue of illegal immigration already coming to the fore in the contest for nomination of the 2016 Republican candidate for the Presidency,...
The Armed Forces and the Militia
Since I first started to write columns for NewsWithViews in 2005 about the need to revitalize “the Militia of the several States”—a full decade...
Presidential Questions
Not long ago, a friend of mine asked me to draft a few pertinent, if not provocative, questions to be posed to all of...
Who Regulates “A well Regulated Militia”?
Anyone who pays attention to contemporary debates and discussions among this country’s “constitutionalists” and “patriots” about the meaning of the Second Amendment soon comes...
No Need Exists to Disarm the Police
Dr. Gary North recently posted an article at, entitled “Disarm the Police”, the patriotic sentiment and common sense behind which are too apparent...
Is Impeachment the Answer?
Mr. J.B. Williams recently wrote a commentary for NewsWithViews entitled “House Republicans Place Obama on Official Notice”, in which he focused on the continuing...
Cognitive Dissonance and the Second Amendment
Cognitive dissonance” denotes the state of psychological stress which affects an individual who simultaneously entertains two mutually contradictory beliefs, or who comes upon information...
The Bastardy of “Martial Law”
My latest book—By Tyranny Out of Necessity: The Bastardy of “Martial Law”—is now available through Amazon. Its title encapsulates its theme: namely, that “martial...