State Issued
Constitutional Money

Return to Constitutional Money

Dr. Edwin J. Vieira, Jr., DirectorNational Alliance for Constitutional Money RETURN TO CONSTITUTIONAL MONEY Thank you, John. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I am an attorney. And...
Restore Constitutional Money

How to Restore Constitutional Money: The Challenge

The following is a transcript that addresses the subject, "How to Restore Constitutional Money: The Challenge". It is from The Conservative Caucus Foundation at...
Lexington and Concord

Lexington Green, April 19, 2009

What follows is an address, delivered in my absence by Tom Moor, at the Committees of Safety rally held at Lexington Green on 19...
Montana sound monetary system

State of Montana Alternative Currency House Bill 639

Download Montana House Bill 639 here. Download the State Electronic Gold Currency Plan (Gold Money Bill) here. To learn about the "Money" power of the States:...

Trashing the Constitution

Introduction by Dr. Lawrence Parks, Executive Director, FAME Before I introduce Dr. Vieira, I want to spend less than two minutes positioning his topic. Our...
Government Corruption

Gangster Government

The following is a transcript of Dr. Edwin Vieira's Presentation at the National Press Club, June 29, 2000 Dr. Edwin Vieira is a graduate...
economic collapse

Going to the Roots of the Problem

Once upon a time, not so very long ago, a certain nation was one of the richest countries in the world. had left...
silver and gold as money

The Road Not Taken

We all are familiar with Robert Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken”: “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood...” it begins. And it ends with...
Tea Party

Tea Parties Need Teeth

The Tenth-Amendment Resolutions from State Legislatures, the Tea Parties, the Town Hall Meetings, and other manifestations of WE THE PEOPLE’S fedupidness with monkey-business as...
alternative currency

Smashing the Axis of Financial Fraud

The more things change, the more they remain the same. In 1814, in an address to the House of Representatives, Daniel Webster observed that public...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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