State Issued
Bills of Attainder

Gun Control and the No-Fly List

In the political realm, as elsewhere, evil never sleeps. And apparently there is no enormity which the present rogue régime in the Disgrace of...
Second Amendment NRA

NRA, Second Amendment and “WE THE PEOPLE”

As a member of the National Rifle Association, I regularly receive its magazine, The American Rifleman. In the December 2015 issue appears an editorial...
gun control

Short-Circuiting the Second Circuit

Well, boys and girls, it is, as the wag once said, “déjà vue all over again” in the topsy-turvy Alice-in-Wonderland world of “gun control”....
Alternative Currencies

Gold and Silver as Constitutional Alternative Currencies

Learn how the State Electronic Gold Currency Plan can be implemented in your State and download the Gold Money Bill here. To learn about the...
America border security

How the President Can Secure the Borders

With the issue of illegal immigration already coming to the fore in the contest for nomination of the 2016 Republican candidate for the Presidency,...
homeland security

The Armed Forces and the Militia

Since I first started to write columns for NewsWithViews in 2005 about the need to revitalize “the Militia of the several States”—a full decade...
Presidential election

Presidential Questions

Not long ago, a friend of mine asked me to draft a few pertinent, if not provocative, questions to be posed to all of...
A well Regulated Militia

Who Regulates “A well Regulated Militia”?

Anyone who pays attention to contemporary debates and discussions among this country’s “constitutionalists” and “patriots” about the meaning of the Second Amendment soon comes...
police state

No Need Exists to Disarm the Police

Dr. Gary North recently posted an article at, entitled “Disarm the Police”, the patriotic sentiment and common sense behind which are too apparent...
impeach the President

Is Impeachment the Answer?

Mr. J.B. Williams recently wrote a commentary for NewsWithViews entitled “House Republicans Place Obama on Official Notice”, in which he focused on the continuing...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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“Official Immunity”

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“The War on Terror”

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“Living” Constitution

As a constitutional rule of construction that cannot be repeated to often, “If *** we are at liberty to give old words new meanings ***...
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“Usurpation” and “Tyranny”

"Usurpation"“Usurpation” – the exercise of some otherwise legitimate governmental power as to which the particular actor actor enjoys no legal claim.Source: John Locke, Two Treatises of Government,...
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Federal Reserve System: Cartel Structure

The Federal Reserve SystemThe Federal Reserve System is a cartel that controls the United States money supply and redistributes wealth with the blessings of...