State Issued
Gender Rules

“Gender” Rules and Despotic Power

An outcry has arisen from numbers of Americans in opposition to the recent spate of “guidelines” emanating from the District of Columbia to the...
American Revolution

No Second American Revolution is Necessary

Only in rare instances have I prepared a commentary for NewsWithViews in response to something which someone else has been published elsewhere. But a...
NRA Gun Culture

Which “Gun Culture” Should Americans Defend?

As a long-time member of the National Rifle Association who tries to take the organization seriously, I find myself increasingly nonplussed by its naïveté....
suspend presidential election

Is Obama Going to Create Crisis to Suspend the November Election?

No Perpetual "Emergency" Presidency Constitutionalists, patriots, and other friends of freedom in ever-increasing numbers are expressing their fears that the present resident of the White...
Second Amendment NRA

A Serious Question for the NRA

As regular readers of my commentaries know, from time to time I have written about the National Rifle Association’s curious misreading of the Second...
Trump Administration

Trump—Triumph or Tragedy

Contrary to the contentions of those misguided (or deviously Machiavellian) Americans now agitating for a “Convention of the States” in order to amend the...
Wayne LaPierre

Standing Guard or Standing Down

I always approach each edition of the National Rifle Association’s magazine, American Rifleman, with some little trepidation, because of the disturbing content that all...
President and the Militia

Donald Trump and the Militia

Please understand that I am not a “tub-thumper”, an enthusiast, or an apologist for Donald Trump. But his electrifying emergence on the scene represents...
illegal immigration

A Trumped-Up Controversy

Not so long ago, Donald Trump drew unto himself a great deal of ire from certain circles for suggesting that, in light of the...
Constitutional definition of “natural born Citizen”

“Natural Born Citizen”

The Post & Email Speaks with Constitutional Attorney and Scholar Dr. Edwin Vieira on the Term “natural born Citizen" On Friday, The Post & Email...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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