State Issued
Ron Paul

Draft Ron Paul

When I read Ron Paul’s letter, announcing that he is downgrading his campaign for the Presidency, I recalled the lugubrious soliloquy MacBeth intones upon...
preemptive war

Shadows of Nuremberg

While reading a report in the Washington Post (Sunday, 6 January 2008, p. A10) on Republican Presidential candidates who were campaigning in New Hampshire,...
Alternative Currency

Ron Paul and Competing Currencies

As America’s inherently self-destructive monetary and banking systems lurch from crisis to crisis—and one foreign country after another announces its intention to reduce its...
Ron Paul

Ron Paul and the Militia

The last thing I claim to be is a political-campaign tactician. Yet it seems obvious to me that revitalization of “the Militia of the...
Mad Dogs

Leashing the Mad Dogs

Recently, you have probably read a spate of justifiably angry Internet commentaries and watched some truly shocking and sickening videos reporting on and recording...
revitalize the constitutional militia

Freedom From Fear is Your Responsibility

Franklin D. Roosevelt promised this country "freedom from fear." In keeping with most of his grandiose pronouncements, he spoke with a forked tongue. (As...
private militia

True vs. False Militia and Why the Difference Matters

Although at the present time I am one of very few people, if not the only person, vociferously advocating revitalization of “the Militia of...
Political Action

What Good is Political Education Without Political Action?

As Saint James teaches, “faith without works is dead.” God’s grace may be “amazing”; but He desires men’s active cooperation with it for its...

Outflanking the Kakistocracy

The penchant of all too many Americans for indulging in socially destructive rationalizations and delusions seems limitless. No sooner had the Internet come alive...

The Kakistocracy Exposes Its Hand

The publication of National Security Presidential Directive 51 (Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20) on 9 May 2007, now available on the White House’s web...
"well regulated Militia" 2nd Amendment

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Tyranny: John Locke

“Usurpation” and “Tyranny”

"Usurpation"“Usurpation” – the exercise of some otherwise legitimate governmental power as to which the particular actor actor enjoys no legal claim.Source: John Locke, Two Treatises of Government,...

“The War on Terror”

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“War”: The Constitutional Meaning

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Official Immunity

“Official Immunity”

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Gun Contrlol

“Gun Control”

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