State Issued

Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.

Constitutional Attorney, Scholar, Author, and Lecturer.

Dr. Vieira's biography can be found here.


How To Bank On The Second Amendment

It seems that, almost every day, new evidence emerges to validate as prescient the warnings I put forth most recently in my NewsWithViews commentaries “The...

Another Oracular Pronouncement

It is said that “no man is taken for a prophet in his own country”. Yet sometimes evidence overcomes this negative presumption. In my recent...

The Irrelevant Second Amendment

To the question “What provision of the Constitution guarantees average Americans the right to posses a firearm?” almost everyone, whether in favor of or opposed...

The President Can Suppress School Shootings

INTRODUCTION Whatever the facts may turn out to be, the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida—and others which have preceded it throughout this country—are traumatic, tragic,...

The Disservice Of Mandatory “National Service”

Normally, I refrain from commenting on articles by other contributors to NewsWithViews. But Frosty Wooldridge’s recent column—“Call for Mandatory National Service for All American Youth”—provides...